Which is better AAC Blocks or Red Bricks ? Their Cost Comparison

AAC Blocks

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is  a lightweight, load bearing, durable building product, which is produced out of a mix of fly ash, lime, cement, gypsum, water, and aluminum powder processed through batching, casting, cutting and autoclaving.
AAC block, block
AAC Blocks

Red Bricks

It is a rectangular unit made of clay-bearing soil, sand, and lime, or concrete materials which is prepared out in a kiln become more harder which able to take load of the structure.

Red brick, brick, bricks, clay brick
Red Brick

Comparative Study 

A comparison can be analysed between the AAC blocks and Red bricks which helps to decide which item is better for the Project.

Cost Comparison AAC Block vs Bricks, Difference between AAC Block and Bricks, AAC vs Bricks
Cost Comparison AAC Block & Bricks

WHY AAC Blocks ?

  • Saving on Area of footing 24% while using AAC blocks in structure over clay bricks.
  • Saving in footing reinforcement 40-45%, and 15% in columns reinforcement on use of AAC blocks over clay bricks.
  • There is 15% and 14% saving in columns and beams respectively for AAC blocks over clay bricks.
  • Following its good properties

Properties of AAC block, properties of AAC
Properties of AAC Block

NO to AAC Blocks ? 

  • Chances of crack on AAC block masonry wall if guidelines mentioned in IS 6041 not followed.
  • Vertical stud columns, reinforcement after every 4th layer with concrete band, bond beam on cill etc are the mandatory elements in block masonry.
  • Sometime smooth surface of blocks do not adhere the mortar plaster, blocks must have rough surface.
  • Any deflection in the beam may cause the crack in block masonry wall underneath of it.
  • They cannot take much load as compare to clay bricks.

  • Use of chisel & hammer for services works are restricted as it will disturb the blocks joints which may result in cracks later on. Drill machines will be used instead.

Why Red Bricks ? 

  • The red bricks are hard and can be considered in load-bearing wall.
  • No intermediate concrete band is required as in case of block masonry.
  • Compressive strength of brick is more than AAC blocks.
  • Mostly used in ordinary construction because of easily availability.

NO to Red Bricks ?

  • Use of more steel because it increase the dead weight on the structure.
  • It is 2hr fire rated while blocks are 4hrs rated.
  • Bricks are not water resistant hence reflect the seepage. 
  • Termites can easily attack on it.
  • Efflorescence become the brick masonry wall spoil.

Choice Between AAC blocks and Red Bricks

  • AAC blocks and Clay bricks both have their own pros and cons so before taking the final decision one must look on their properties and strength.
  • It is noted that bricks are hard and can bear more load compare to AAC blocks whereas AAC blocks are light in weight which is better to reduce the reinforcement in the structure, hence most of the people use clay bricks while construct their own home (G+3), however, builder use AAC blocks while construct the High Rise Towers. This may vice-versa.

How much %age can save in AAC Block masonry

  • It is observed in most of the calculations that there is a saving in all the three elements - sand, aggregate and cement while use of AAC block in RCC structure. 
  • Placing of blocks in the building will reduce the dead load on beams further helps in reduction the size of beams and columns. 
  • Assuming the G+3 - RCC framed structure in case of residential building saves 30% cost in aggregates and more than 40% saving in cement which is a huge saving in construction. 
  • It can be seen that overall saving will be 11% for the one floor considering the assumption mentioned earlier, and for G+3 overall saving will be appx 40%.

The engineers and consultants can do their own calculation before final decision to get the precise result as per the design of structure. Above lines can be used for broad idea purpose only. 


It is advisable to use the AAC blocks in the building as it is manufactured from abundant natural material which makes it environmental friendly. Reduction in cost bounds the builder to use it, and its extreme properties satisfy the customers by saving in monthly expenses.There is huge cost saving maximum upto 20% in the Project.

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